Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bike Shopping

Larry has decided that he wants to get a "good" touring bike.

Let me clarify something I did not know until recently.
There are many types of bikes. The most common are :
1. The hybrid- for those that don't know where they want to ride, this is a do all bike that good for everything but not great for anything.
2. The Mountain bike- Built more rugged than the others and is pretty heavy.
3. The Road bike- This is most like the racing bikes and is very light and thin.
4. The Touring bike- This bike is for the long rides. A good one is light and built very sturdy.
5. The department store bike- Its inexpensive and great for a non serious (young) biker but not worth working on, you might as well replace it.

This is definitely not a complete list but things that I have recently learned.

Larry has dragged Abbey and I to almost every bike shop in the valley and in SLC also. Every time we go in we say the same thing,
"we are looking for a touring bike, We have looked at the Long Haul Trucker (yes it is the name of a bike) or the Marin four corners. "
They all quickly start discussing Road bikes that fall in the range of $4000 - $6000. ( Not our budget and it wont carry the weight needed for multi day trips)
There is only one bike shop that asked our price range, but still went to a road bike that was triple our budget.
Today there was finally a shop that understood that a road bike wont work for Larry's plans and had some ideas for a bike in our price range! Hallejulla!

LESSON FOR THE DAY: Listen! Not every one is as ignorant as the "professionals" think they are!

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