Sunday, November 4, 2012

Part II

I work Sundays, its just one of the things that nurses get to do. In Utah there is a radio station that on Sundays plays nothing but religious stuff. It is interesting because it is not always Mormon related.
As I admitted in Part I, I have not always know what I believe.

I was raised in a house where we went to church every Sunday and participated in all the activities and blah blah blah. My parents were wonderful and instilled many great things in me but the one thing that I didn't pick up was the religious part.

I didn't really understand what the LDS church believes and the whole basis of the church.
I was taught it, I know alot about it. I know the teaching. I just didn't GET it!

I kinda think about it like math. In high school, I barely passed math enough to graduate although it wasn't until college many years later that I got it. It actually made sense in my head!

I don't know if anyone else will understand that but that's how it feels to me.

OK, I'm off the story.

I was listening to the radio on my way to work and they has an author of a book about all the beliefs of the Mormons.
I almost changed the station because I know all that stuff  but the Hostess asked
"what is your conversation story?"
He answered (paraphrasing)
I have been lucky to always know that prayers were answered and to know the power of the priesthood.

!!!!I wish I knew how to make star and bells and all other AHA characters!!!!

I Thought: Can it be that SIMPLE? is it as SIMPLE as believing that prayers are answered, that there is life after this life?
I have had prayers answered!
I know that there is life after death!

I just wanted to come home to Larry and Burst out with information and talk about if it can be that simple, is it possible that those 4 words could change my life?

It's just that simple!

1 comment:

The Jeppson Family said...

You gave me goose bumps and teary eyes today, my friend. Thank you for sharing your families journey :)